Interpreter of modern maladies

By Medha Dutta Yadav | The New Indian Express

Bird’s eyeview acquires a different meaning in Jagannath Panda’s studio in Gurgaon. A giant eagle gazes out of a canvas with savage majesty while a resplendent peacock investigates bright red chillies above taupe urbania. Nature’s conflict with cities is the palette of Panda’s art reflected in canvases, sculptures and collages—large in size, vibrant with colour and overwhelmingly lifelike. There is a humanity in the distressed eyes of a rhino, seemingly anticipating destruction. Panda’s creative space is akin to stepping into an enchanted universe where fantastic beasts lurk in every corner, hunted by change. Says the artist, “It has taken me over a decade to arrive at this juncture.

12 May 2019